Talks & Slides

Here you will find the slides of some of the talks I've given in the past, you may download the annotated slides clicking in each talk's title. All slides are published under CC BY.

2020-11 Async programming (Spanish)
This talks attempts to explain in plain language the concept of asynchronous programming. Afterwards a simple C# function is transformed from a sync execution model to async justifying every change on the code and explaining how it'll improve it (or not).

2019-04 Additive fabrication (Spanish)
In this presentation we take a look at the emergence of additive fabrication, starting with Hideo Kodama's rapid prototyping patent to the current landscape. Some of the current applications of 3D printing are shown later on giving way to the last part in which the technical aspects of FDM printing are discussed, such as materials, printer geometry and software stack.

2018-07 Artificial Intelligence (Spanish)
Throughout this talk I review the evolution of AI from it's earliest times in fiction and the real world to the current state of the art and demystified the exaggerated capabilities people may attribute to this technology. In the second part I explained some of the most common machine learning models. Finally, during the third section we take a look at AIaaS offerings, which greatly simplify the use of AI in real life applications.

2018-03 Spectre and Meltdown (Spanish)
An overview on these two vulnerabilities that shocked the security landscape for Intel and AMD processors.